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2024-2025 Wrestling Season

By Rum River Board, 09/16/24, 10:15PM CDT


Registration will be ONLINE through our website this year. Watch for more information to come in late September-early October.

The Folk-style season starts November 11th for preschool-1st grade and November 12th for 2nd grade and older. Payment and MNUSA card will be required to enter the wrestling room for practice.  

Preschool-1st grade will practice on Mondays from 5:45-6:45. 2nd & 3rd grade will have practice on Tuesday & Thursdays from 5:45-7:00. 4th grade and up will have practice on Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30-8:00 (the first 30 minutes of this practice will be spent in the weight room)

Registration cost is 80$ for preschool-1st grade (Mondays) and 110$ for 2nd graders and older (Tuesday/Thursday). Resgistration cost includes club t-shirt and all freestyle (November-March) & greco practices (end of March to the beginning of May)

**New this year, wrestlers will need to purchase their own MN/USA wrestling membership card ($60) MN USA cards are required for all wrestlers practicing or competing for Insurance purposes.  When purchasing card make sure to list Rum River Wrestling as your wrestlers affiliated club. Rum River is a MN USA sanctioned club. Cards can be purchased  through Board members will also be available to answer questions and help families who may need help with the process

Volunteer deposit check of 200$ - required at registration (per family). Volunteer checks will only be cashed at the end of the season if families do not meet volunteer requirements (volunteering at one of our home youth tournaments January 18th & February 23rd). Checks will be returned at the end of the season if you meet volunteer requirements.